Strengthening Cultural Sustainability in Canada: The State of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Design Education
June 2022
We are looking for volunteers to take part in a study of defining the state of equity, diversity, and inclusivity in design education.
As a participant in this study, you would be asked to participate in an anonymous online survey.
Your participation is entirely voluntary and would take up approximately 15-minutes of your time. By participating in this study, you will help us to further understand equity, diversity, and inclusivity in design education to inform next steps in diversifying student curriculum and pedagogies of teaching in Canada.
There are no risks anticipated by participating.
To learn more about this study, please contact:
Principal Investigator:
Veronica Madonna
Architect, OAA, FRAIC, M.Arch., B.E.D.S., B.Arch.Sc.
Assistant Professor, RAIC Centre for Architecture at Athabasca University
Office: 1-844-924-0789
Research Assistant
Salam Yousef, M.Arch, BSc.Arch, Dip.Arch.Tech.
Research Assistant, RAIC Centre for Architecture at Athabasca University
This study has been reviewed by the Athabasca University Research Ethics Board. Should you have any comments or concerns about your treatment as a participant, the research, or ethical review processes, contact the Research Ethics Officer at 1.780.213.2033 or by e-mail to
Focus Group Discussion
March 2022
Principal Researcher:
Veronica Madonna (she/her)
Architect, OAA, FRAIC, M.Arch., B.E.D.S., B.Arch.Sc.
Assistant Professor, RAIC Centre for Architecture
Athabasca University
Office: 1-844-924-0789
You are invited to participate in a research study about understanding the state of equity, diversity and inclusivity in design education in Canada.
As a participant, you are invited to take part in a focus group discussion about your experience of the state of equity, diversity, and inclusivity in design education. Participation will take approximately one hour of your time.
The focus group discussion will take place virtually through a virtual meeting platform. The information received during the focus group discussion will aid in developing a survey that will be distributed to architecture students nationally, and in selected countries globally. Involvement in this study is entirely voluntary, and you may refuse to answer any questions or to share information that you are not comfortable sharing. You may withdraw from the study at any time during the data collection period, approximately one week after the focus group discussion, by sending me an email ( stating that you no longer wish to participate.
The discussion may be audio or video recorded or transcribed for the research team to review afterwards. Your participation will remain anonymous, and the transcripts or any recordings will be held confidential. The insights collected during the focus group discussion may be summarized as general statements in the reporting of the findings or dissemination activities, such as publications or presentations at conferences. Identity will remain confidential, and pseudonyms will be used if needed to summarize the findings.
Electronic research data will be collected through the research will be secure using password-protected files and encryption. The information will be stored on a secure cloud-based server protected by a password that will be accessed through a password-protected laptop. All hard copy data will be kept in locked cabinets in my office.
If you have any questions about this study or require further information, please contact Veronica Madonna by using the contact information above.
If you agree to these terms, and would like to participate in the focus group discussion, please send me an email confirming (
This project has been reviewed by the Athabasca University Research Ethics Board. Should you have any comments or concerns about your treatment as a participant, the research, or ethical review processes, please contact the Research Ethics Officer by e-mail at or by telephone at 780.213.2033.
Thank you for your assistance in this project.
I have read the Letter of Information regarding this research study, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I will keep a copy of this letter for my records.
My email reply / or registration confirms that:
· I understand the expectations and requirements of my participation in the research;
· I understand the provisions around confidentiality and anonymity;
· I understand that my participation is voluntary, and that I am free to withdraw at any time during the data collection period, one week after the focus group discussion;
· I am aware that I may contact the researcher, Veronica Madonna, or the Research Ethics Officer if I have any questions, concerns or complaints about the research procedures or ethical approval processes;
· I understand that the data I provide will be anonymized and that data set (or sets) from this project will be deposited in a secure location;
· I am granting permission for the researcher to use a video and/or audio recorder, that will be held confidential to the research team;
· I acknowledge that the researcher may use specific quotations of mine, without identifying me.